Harry Abate

What a great, cold and wonderful day it was to spend with the staff and youth of Niagara Falls Harry Abate Elementary. It was literally one of the coldest days of the winter and I just knew that schools were prpbably gonna close. First I received word that Buffalo public schools had decided to close because of the bitter temps so i just knew that Niagara County would as well. Next day comes and no cancellations. I was shocked at the tenacity of the staff and students to brave it out and come to school. So impressive !!!. So the the show went on and a packed auditorium of bright and eager minds were hanging on to every word and every note. We got so much crowd participation and even got some teachers into the fray singing “Crawfish & Jambalaya ” It was also good to hear the students singing Amani Na Mwanga which is Swahili for Peace and Light. Such positive messages for a community that really needs to show that someone cares and is willing to be there no matter what. One of the students we spoke to after the show told us that he learned that he was a King and his friend also told us that our live sound reminded him of family back home.


You never know that impact you can have on a young persons mind until you have it. It creates lasting memories especially if they are going home to bad situations you know nothing about. Music is not only healing but it is also a responsibility. Its an assignment to bring knowledge , joy and laughter as well as an escape from the realities of life. It is my hope that more musicians would write with the same vigor and realize what a tremendous responsibility they have to shape the minds of the past, present and future. Only when this is realized that we will begin to see changes in our community and in our homes. I will always give back to the children because they will be the change. "I see the fire, I see the flame, I see desire, and I see the rage."

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